
Posts Tagged ‘handmade’

“You see we’re born, born, born

         Born to be alive”

It’s amazing what you will hear on the radio while riding in a taxi in South Korea.  I mean talk about unexpected and odd.  It has been ages since I last heard that song, and I never thought I would hear it on a Korean radio station.  It has a nice beat and I constantly fought the urge to boogie on down in the backseat of the taxi.  Instead I did what I call the chin attack.  You know, if you were trying to punch someone with your chin.  The kind of “I’m cool” head jerk.

I am sure the Taxi driver enjoyed it.

While I was tutoring today, my hubby ran to the store to buy paint and I guess while he was in a taxi the taxi driver decided then would be a good time to poop himself.  Guess it was pretty smelly.  Even now, hours later, he says he can still smell it, like it has been burned into his nose or something.

This morning I was completely devastated.  As I was brushing my teeth, I saw the most horrendous fiend hiding in my hair.  It was a WHITE HAIR.


I plucked that sucker out, showed my husband, screamed about it again, and then I taped it inside my journal.  It is my very first white hair after all…

On Wednesday night, after posting here, I began to get sick.  I then began a long 6 hour bout of – what I can only guess was – food poisoning.  I swear all I did was walk back and forth, back and forth in my study room and the living room until about 3am.  I must have looked a sight, because as I was doing my pacing, I was clutching a crystal elephant that my great grandmother had given me.  The whole time my husband stayed with me, even after all the “Don’t touch me I’m too hot!” I shouted at him.  He even started pacing back and forth with me.  Maybe it was because he felt so helpless, or maybe he was just bored.  Then I tried to settle down on the sofa and watch a movie, but I was up and sick again until about 4-4:30.  I was sicker than a dog.  Actually what does that mean?  When dogs are sick, is it more serious than other animals?  Or is it more like dogs are sick as in fetishes and stuff?  Dogs do sniff each others’ butts, lick themselves and then lick your face.  Yeah, that’s pretty sick!  And why are they so obsessed with people’s crotches?!

Needless to say, on Thursday I was a zombie and couldn’t work.  I know I probably drove my hubby up the wall.  Zombie Mandoo is a whiney and indecisive Mandoo.  I finally began to become normal Mandoo (my nickname my husband gave me.  It means dumpling in Korean.  Guess that means I am squishy ><) and was finally awake enough to work on a Halloween craft.

I ended up making a crocheted skull.  I found the pattern here.

I still need to finish my wreath, make a skeleton doll, a jack o’ lantern, some witch boots, some witchy cross stitch, a witchy throw, and much more.

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Finished my second poisoned apple today!  And yes, I know I said I was going to make three, but I am tired of making them and I am ready to move on to something else.

While watching Charmed (yeah I know!  don’t even say it.) I began working on a Halloween wreath that I am crocheting.  So far it is giving me fits, or rather I am having a fit trying to make it.  Charmed must be too much of a distraction.  I know it was for my hubby who after just hearing 10 minutes of it ordered me to use headphones.  ><

Let’s see what else did I do today?  Not much.

Tutored for two hours this morning.  Ate pizza (didn’t I tell you I would eat it?).  Watched a couple episodes of Angry Video Game Nerd.  Took a bath in a very small bucket sized tub.  Not so relaxing and I ended up dropping my ghost bookmark in the water.  Yes, I read in the tub!  Who doesn’t?

I finished my apple around dinner time, ate some oreo cereal, and drank some capri sun Safari.  (Still a kid at heart)

So this is going to be a short post.  Going to get back to Charmed and try to finish this wreath without having a temper tantrum.


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Had I known, I would have just stayed in bed and slept all day.  But instead, like an idiot, I got up and started my day.

After waking up my hubby checked the Chinese horoscopes.  The year of the rat (that’s me) said that I would have a lot of trouble today.  And boy, it wasn’t lying!

As I was trying to download a PDF file my computer kept freezing, then the PDF wouldn’t work.  Now normally I wouldn’t mind, but I really wanted this PDF.  Needless to say, this was the first round of trouble.  Doesn’t seem so bad, I know, but it is also that very special time of the month we women just LOVE, so my emotions were boiling over.

When my husband told me his horoscope said he would be getting some pocket money, that reminded me I have left an envelope with a 100,000 won (= about $100) on the computer desk.  It was the monthly payment from one of my students.   I wanted to be cute and say “Here’s your pocket money!”

I got out of bed and searched the empty desk… it wasn’t there.  *little bit of panic*

I looked through the stacks of books, the papers on the computer chair.  *A lot of panic*

Then I realized on Saturday, my hubby had added black ink to our printer and there had been a lot of ink stained tissue on the desk and that on Sunday morning, I had woken up early because my mother-in-law was in our room cleaning and throwing things away.  Dirty tissue and messy desk + Neat Freak mother-in-law = Money in the trash!   *Hysterical panic,  searching everything again, weeping uncontrollably*

Now, to some of you $100 isn’t that much, but to an overly emotional woman (thanks womanhood!) who is trying to save money, $100 is a lot.  Hence the uncontrollable weeping.

My hubby just smiled a little at me and said it was nothing.  But he called his mom anyway who said that she remembered throwing the envelope away.

Feeling bad about that, she came home from wherever she was spending the last day of the chuseok holiday and she and my hubby went outside to dig through the trash.


They didn’t find it.

Still feeling bad, she gave me $100 to make up for the money she had thrown out, which was pretty nice of her.  And, which of course, made me feel extra bad because I knew deep down it was my fault.  I should have put it in my wallet right away.

Instead after receiving my student’s payment, my hubby had come home with books and pizza.  Now I love books.  And I love pizza.  These two things instantly pushed the envelope of money right out of my mind.  I have a one track mind when it comes to food.  Adding books on to that, and everything of importance drained right out of my head.

Speaking of pizza.  Yum pizza.  P-I-Z-Z-A…….

Umm right, so speaking of any kind of food, (I LOVE FOOD) I think I need to exercise and diet a little.  The reason I think I should exercise or diet or probably both is when I was washing my tummy in the shower it jiggled  a little like  pudding.  YUM PUDDING….

I have problems ><

On to the Halloween countdown!

I finished one poisoned apple today and I made a little jar of poison that I will sit next to all the apples once they are finished.  I am stitching them by hand, because I don’t have a sewing machine to use so it took me all day – well in between my bouts of crying – to finish just one.  At this rate, I may have the other two finished by Friday.  I say Friday because tomorrow I begin tutoring again.  Goodbye holiday!  Oh how I shall miss you!

Now time for some Angry Video Game Nerd!

Maybe I will get a pizza tomorrow.  With extra cheese.

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I haven’t posted anything since a week or two ago.  Been busy working, crocheting, sewing, and creating some cross stitch patterns.  My hubby downloaded a really nifty cross stitch pattern maker program, so I have been messing around with that the last couple of days.  I am horrible at drawing and make my husband edit everything I do, which he is doing right now.  ^^

I finished a set of butterfly phone straps and mailed them to America today.  The post office said it would take 3-4 days.  Shipping was 22,000 won T_T  Quite a lot for four phone straps.  My Whimsi Fam

Recently I have been in a Halloween mood.  Yes, I know Halloween isn’t for like another two months but it is one of my favorite holidays.  This year, because hardly anyone celebrates here in Korea, I am going to have my own little celebration.  It isn’t much of a celebration, but more like a Halloween Crochet-athon.

Starting now I am going to make as many Halloweeny crochet projects as I can up until Halloween.  My first project is already completed.  It is a Coraline doll.  I found a free pattern online, watched the movie a few times to get my groove on and set to work.  She took me about 2 days to complete because -yeah- I had other stuff to do like working and what not.

Here she is.  It is my first amigurumi doll – well besides  Mario – so I know I could probably do better.  Practice makes perfect.

I am now working on Coraline’s black cat.  I have the face completed and should finish it in a few days.

And keeping with the Halloween theme, here are my cross stitch patterns that my hubby helped me make.

I love them and can’t wait to get cross stitching!  Maybe I will sell them or the patterns or both.  ^^

That’s it for now

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